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Are we sure this show is about magic? It looks like it's more about sister-brother love. Mostly from sister side, since she is kind of stalkery and generally obsessed with her brother. But the brother does not seem to mind that much. I also assume, that since he reincarnated, he probably is much older (as usually is the case), which makes it even more weird.

Even if this show is about magic... Is that magic of horniness or something? If that's the case, it adds another layer to the weirdness. At the least I am curious to see how they will spin this next episode. Most likely they will try to dress it up as "love magic", which will make this an insta-drop for me at that point.



Episode 2:

The bog/guy annoyed me this episode. I am also not  buying the fact that he was the first one ever to witness (or use) magic. I mean other kids also saw the lights, right? So someone probably saw them in the past as well, especially if they are related to "courting". I am staying for 3rd episode just to see how fairies play into this. If that will even be touched upon next episode, that is.



Episode 3:

"Gather everyone upstairs", and then there like 8 people behind the barricade and more "civilians" are coming much-muchc later. And the fact that no one was even attempting to help the boy even when the goblin was on the ground... The father accepted magic without much of a hassle, too. Yes, there was clear evidence of it, but still. But what's worse: all of that was predictable, and just uninspiring. I did not feel the "pressure" from the goblin attack (which was stupid, too: why would he randomly go to a random mansion?), there was no social pressure, too, even though the boy was clearly talking nonsense from perspective of the peasants. Yes, he is a noble, but they did not question him much if at all, and in those circumstances that would have been normal. I don't know. I am just not buying it all.